Underwater Clean Up
Tire Bundles, Creosote Pilings, and other items all leech toxic substances into the surrounding water, but require a coordinated effort from experienced divers to remove.
lbs of trash removed to date
Jul 15, 2023
Lake Union Cleanup in Ballard
Helping clean up the old Diver's Institute site in Ballard!

Hara Corporation
lbs Removed
Apr 29, 2023
Point Defiance Cleanup
WSA sponsored our third clean-up dive at Point Defiance Boathouse and marina in Ruston, WA. A great bunch of local divers came to help remove junk that gets on the bottom. Amazing work by these divers!

Point Defiance Boathouse
lbs Removed
Apr 16, 2023
Seacrest Park Cleanup
We partnered with Seattle Dive Tours and SR³ - Sealife Response, Rehabilitation & Research. We were able to clean under the Seacrest Pier for the first time in 4 years.
Over 350 pounds of Marine Debris was removed, sorted, weighed, reported and disposed of.

lbs Removed
Apr 23, 2022
Earth Day 2022 Clean Up
Join WSA and TLSea Diving for part 2 of our Point Defiance Clean up! In 2021 we removed over 800 lbs and we'll be back to the site again to take more out! This site has boat elevators to make it much easier to launch and recover divers.

Point Defiance Boathouse, Ruston, WA
lbs Removed
Sep 18, 2021
International Coastal Clean Up Day
Are you all ready for International Coastal Cleanup Day? On September 18th, we’ll be cleaning up the Des Moines Marina, and we need your help! Throughout the day we need assistance with shore cleanup, marine debris sorting, or even underwater cleanup if you are a scuba diver.

Des Moines Marina
lbs Removed
Jun 11, 2021
Point Defiance Boathouse Cleanup
A very well done clean-up project at the Point Defiance Boathouse. WSA can't thank you enough. We had 22 divers in the water and retrieve 810 pounds of nasty stuff from the depths. Some of it took some serious engineering work to get it off the bottom. Kudo's to you all! See the story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSYoUZlJm9g

Point Defiance Boathouse
lbs Removed
Apr 24, 2021
Earth Day 2021 Clean Up
WSA, MAST, Seattle Dive Tours, Global Underwater Explores (GUE) M3, and the City of Des Moines partnered for a beach cleanup at Redondo Beach in celebration of Earth Day 2021. WSA board members, volunteers and local divers went underwater looking for trash and treasures to be rescued to a nearby landfill or recycling plant.

Redondo Beach
lbs Removed
Sep 19, 2020
International Coastal Clean Up Day
WSA is once again working with the Port of Des Moines, the Marine Science & Technology (MaST), SR3, marine Animal and Rescue program, Seattle dive tours and the fine divers of the Puget sound region. Check with Seattle Dive Tours to register!

Des Moines Marina
lbs Removed
Les Davis Tire Reef Removal
Over 2000 tires were pulled out of the Les Davis Dive site located in the City of Tacoma.